beroNet voip technology

Improving communication standards with quality products and services.

Web Design, Redesign & optimization, Component-based UI-kit


One of our biggest projects and most fun was the collaboration we had with the beroNet company.

beroNet was founded in 2002 and is Europe’s leading manufacturer of ISDN, Analog, Hybrid and also GSM VoIP access technologies. The website needed to be updated to reflect a modern, innovative tech company and to improve the overall user experience. The main goals were to better showcase the products and services, showcase the Support system, build a community, and collect email addresses. New principles were introduced to improve these aspects. First, the main focus is on the products, services, and how they can help people and companies. Second, the information and navigation were re-organized so it’s easier to follow and get to a certain page. And thirdly, the focus is on the main actions the visitors should take: buy the products/support services. The result is a redesign of the beroNet website, with a completely new, minimalist look. 


We supplemented the brand with a clear, friendly, and easy to understand UI.